Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Santorum Abomination

I am appalled with Iowa giving Rick Santorum's candidacy a boost. He has got to be the least plausible, dumbest contender of all in the Republican field. It only confirms my contention that voters fall back on superficialities in primaries in which they are asked to consider the qualifications of eight candidates. Still, Santorum? Say it ain't so, Iowa! Iowa voters may be clueless about this Pennsylvania reject and his deplorable record, but one of that state's journalists who covered his two terms in the Senate should be required reading for New Hampshire and North Carolina G.O.P. voters. Will Bunch of posts the lowlights here: It was quite late when Santorum made his sanctimonious "victory" speech after Tuesday's vote count, so most of you probably missed it. Find it here:
Not since Nixon's Checkers speech has a Republican so shamelessly pandered to a gullible electorate while wearing his sincerity mask. This is a classic example of how Republicans put a phony face on in public while intending to favor policies behind closed doors that would continue leading America further down the path of a plutocracy.
Dont get me wrong - all the G.O.P. candidates are loathsome. Santorum is just the most loathsome of all.


  1. You are so right. This guy is really awful but he has all of the trappings of a "decent" guy. The links and video that you post pull back the curtain and show him for who he really is. Hopefully the American people will see beyond the image and reject this guy. He is dangerous.

  2. Yes, he is dangerous. If you like Santorum you'll love Christian Dominionism. ( This link will take you to a blog post on a blog that I just went live with in North Jersey. I'm knew to blogging so if you have any tips please pass them on. Perhaps we can exchange links. Also, you might enjoy reading a piece entitled "In the belly of the beast: Discussing global warming with Floridians just for the fun of it."
